Vertical Infinity is proud to announce the availability of its first product - The CLIFF.

The CLIFF opens the way to fitness through climbing. Simply put, Rock Climbing is climbing a rock. However, the challenge of it is in being able to climb faces of increasing difficulty. Not everyone has the time, resources or inclination to head to climbing locations with any regularity that could make climbing a regular fitness tool. more..

Its a pity, as few activities can compare with climbing in offering overall fitness, challenge and an unending array of possibilities that remove boredom from training.   What's more, climbing is tremendous fun to do, and brings an incomparable  sense of pride in one's own abilities.   The CLIFF attempts to bring climbing within easy reach by doing away with obstacles that can make Rock Climbing difficult to accommodate in daily life.

The CLIFF, a first of its kind, is a motorized climbing wall for Fitness, Climb Training & recreations .This is the only one of its kind in India with a virtually unending array of skill and fitness applications.

Climbing Clubs
The CLIFF provides excellent practice for existing climbers to strengthen aspects of their climbing skills, to stay in practice in unfavorable weather or build up on their stamina and strength in preparation for an important climb or competition. The rotating surface provides for great lengths of climbing and allows for quick changes between climbers through its settings panel and absence of any climbing gear to be shifted. Solo practice is also possible. Safety is simple in the form of a crash mat.

Gym Facilities
The CLIFF is perfect for fitness training and provides a full body workout in an extremely enjoyable manner and is the perfect choice for gyms. It can be configured to provide virtually unending levels of difficulty and can be configured as easily as a treadmill to suit every level from absolute beginner to expert climber and still have challenging settings left to throw in on demand. The descending surface and crash mat allow for easy and absolute safety even in the most intense climbing sessions and remove the need for spotting (ensuring that you don't hurt your self while you fall during bouldering) or other supervision.

Corporate Recreation Zones
The CLIFF can easily be installed in corporate recreation areas to provide access to a healthy sport and can help promote an organization's objectives of fitness among members. Rock climbing is perfect stress busting activity. It offers a quick and fun way to spend energy and refresh the mind and body with the essence of a wild and free sport that brings a great sense of achievement. Climbing on the CLIFF impacts mental strength and confidence. Climbers exercise their ability to focus fully on a single task and also practice confronting their fears.

Support other sports
The CLIFF can also be used as a part of training for other sports to help develop endurance, agility, balance, flexibility, strength and other qualities associated with climbing. Athletes, gymnasts, swimmers, skaters, and other people who need their bodies to perform at peak can use The CLIFF to supplement their training routines to achieve skill development in an innovative and fun manner.  Cricketers, Tennis Players and other sportsmen  can enhance their fitness regimes by including climbing into it.

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