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“For a rock climber, reaching the top is not the point. Rock climbing is the journey that matters most.”

– Ketan Surve, National Level, Rank 5 Rock Climber

Feel the Adrenalin rush through your body

The climbers enjoy and love the rush they get when putting their life on the line. All things that possibly go wrong are a thrill to them. The CLIFF takes away the risk factor associated with rock climbing yet keeps the activity as it is otherwise.
The unique part of climbers is that they can control the adrenalin expenditures by maintaining a collective mindset. This is accomplishes through staying focused on only what is in front, staying calm and trusting personal ability. This allows the climber to go longer without fatigue, but once the mind shifts too far, it becomes a physiological batter, all the way to the top.


Prepare yourself for Outdoor Expeditions

The best way to train for outdoor climbing is by climbing itself. There is no better exercise or training activity, like climbing that will make a good climber better. The CLIFF gives climbers the opportunity to build upon their skills, strength and endurance even while they are not


Stress Reduction

The Value of adrenalin-charged sports isn’t in stress reduction but it is stress production. Surprised? Researchers at Texas A&M University have found that rock-climbing calls up more of adrenalin than public speaking. This is because activities that are physically and mentally stressful help body to react better to everyday stress, if they are “dangerous”, unpredictable and Social (increasing the pressure to perform).

Work your body to provide balance, coordination, and mental focus

The physiological and psychological effects on a climber are more extreme on the mind than most activities. The mental and physical activities can be affected in many ways.  When climbing, one is competing against gravity, time, fatigue, and the most important, the mind. Competing against the mind makes rock climbing, one activity wherein the climber not only gets affected by the surrounding but also feels the challenge of pushing him/herself further to achieve greater heights (literally too).



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